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Prologue - The Beginning

1: Memories of the Battle yet to Come (1)#

???: How about this, dear. What do you think of the name "Mihono"? Written with the kanji for a beautiful flame.
???: Mihono... It sounds beautiful. I think it's a good name for our daughter. It reminds me of Kanayago-sama...
???: Yes. Like Kanayago-sama, goddess of the forge, who created both okatana and tamahagane. I want her to be able to burn as brightly...
Asakura Yoshizumi: ...As of today, this is officially bestowed upon you by the Origami family. This is your okatana, Kashuu Kiyomitsu. Accept it mindfully.
Asakura Mihono: ...I will!
Mihono: So this is... Kiyomitsu. Huh? This okatana, the tip... It's gone? ...Did it break off maybe?
Mihono: .......
Mihono: ...I like it! Yeah! It's really cute! It has this feeling, like it's "THE my okatana!"
Mihono: Let's do our best together, Kiyomitsu! We'll beat up tons of aradama! We'll fight for everyone!
Yoshizumi: (...Is it fate, I wonder. For that okatana to choose you...)
Yoshizumi: (....I'm sorry, Mihono. For you to lose your parents when you were so young... For one as young as you to have to swing that thing around...)
Yoshizumi: (And for your body as well... It's all...)
Mihono: ??? What's wrong, grandpa? You said "parents"...? Were you talking about mom and dad?
Yoshizumi: No, it's nothing. I just remembered something is all. More importantly, let me see you holding up that okatana now...
???: ...hono-chan, Mihono-chan! Are you listening?
Mihono: Eh...? Uh, this is...?
Chie: Mihono-chan? Why are you spacing out before such a big battle? Mmm, you're making your onee-san worried.
Kiyoka: She's right. This is an important fight, so you need to stay focused, Hono-chan.
Mihono: Sorry, Chii-nee, Kiyoka. I was just thinking of the past a little... But I'm fine now, see!
Kofuki: You sure? Even at your best, you're still like a noro magnet. Try keeping it together, Mihocchi!
Mihono: Hmph! I said I'm fine! Me and Kiyomitsu are ready to go! After all, we're here to protect everyone's smiles!
Kofuki: Is that right? Then try not making us even more worried than usual!
Mihono: Hmm~? Hm~hmm~~? ...Ah! Is that so! You were worried, huh, Fukki!
Kofuki: ...Shuttup!
Mirja: That's enough, you two. It's time for us to be in position.
Mirja: Now, everyone, get in formation! The final operation is about to commence! Thank you for waiting... Head of the family!
Yukari: Mm...!
Yukari: Ready utsushi! Prepare yourselves! We are now going to suppress *! Know that this is a battle to secure a tomorrow for humanity!
Yukari: Draw your swords!
Mihono: Did we do it!? It's over! Where there's a will, there's a way, you know!
Mihono: With our investigation team around, we could take on any aradama! We're unstoppable!
Chie: Oh, Mihono-chan... There's no "investigation team" anymore, remember?
Kiyoka: That's right.ใ€€We have a real unit name now.
Mihono: Unit name...? Ah, oh yeah... You're right!
Mihono: Then... With our (enter player name here) team around, we could beat any aradama!
Yukari: Really now... Asakura Mihono.
Mihono: Ah, yes, head of the family!
Yukari:** Don't be a fool. This is no time to let your guard down. With an aradama grown to that degree, this battle is far from over.

2: Memories of the Battle yet to Come (2)#

Mihono: Why do I have such a bad feeling about this...
Kiyoka: We should have beaten it, but there's this awful pressure. It's almost like we broke the seal containing its power...
Kofuki: C'mon, you should know by now a bigass aradama like that's not gonna die so easy. Ahh, man! I'm so excited I'm getting goosebumps!
Chie: Listen, Kofuki-chan... We don't know that it's not over yet, so stop talking like that.
Chie: ...Though it does seem like we haven't beaten it, right, Mirja?
Mirja: Yes, it's still alive. With my "sight" I can confirm it, * is still alive.
Kofuki: Hehe, if Mirja says so it must be true. So come on out and play, aradama-chan...!
Yukari: Yes, it's as Kitora says. They're still alive...
Yukari: ........!
Yukari: Here it comes! All toji, at the ready! Give everything you have to suppress *!
Yukari: Good work, everyone.
Mihono: Ah, uh... This time! This time for sure, it's over right!?
Yukari: That's right. With this, * can no longer threaten our world...
Yukari: We... ...ven ...f...
Mihono: (Huh? Everyone's voices...)
Mihono:** (Yukari-sama? Yukari-sama...! Everyone...!?)




3: Reunion After Five Years#

???: ...hono-chan, Mihono-chan?
Mihono: Nn...
Mihono: ...Huh? Is this... The dorms? ...My room?
Chie: Good morning, Mihono-chan.
Mihono: Morning, Chii-nee... Nn? Huh...... Chii-nee!?
Chie: Mihono-chan? Why are you spacing out like that? Mmm, you're making your onee-san worried.
Mihono: Ahh... I get the feeling I've heard that before.
Mihono: ...That dream.
Chie: Dream?
Mihono: ...Yeah, a dream. I was fighting with a bunch of toji I've never met. You were there, and Yukari-sama was there... I think...
Mihono: Wait... Did that really happen?
Mihono: .......Wait, huhhh!? Is that really you, Chii-nee!? Eh? Eh? Why are you here? I mean, this is my room?
Chie: ...Starting from there, huh?
Chie: Yes, without a doubt, this is Minoseki's middle school dorms, home to Asakura Mihono.
Chie: As for me, well, I was traveling home. You know my dad lives around here, so... I stop by sometimes.
Chie: And, last night, I spoke to your grandfather at the Asakura Shrine. He said you were staying here now, so I got interested and wanted to see you.
Chie: It's been a while, hasn't it.
Chie: Maybe 5 years since I moved out to Osafune... But I see you still remember me. I'm glad.
Mihono: ...You haven't changed a bit, Chii-nee.
Mihono: And of course I remember you! How could I forget! There's no way I wouldn't remember Chii-nee!
Chie: Really? Then, I'll believe you. But...
Chie: I never thought you'd become a toji. Not to mention, you placed 3rd in Minoseki's qualifier tournament, didn't you? That's amazing!
Mihono: Yeahhh, welll. I lost hard in the semi-finals. Kanami's waaay too strong... This sucks... I'm just a substitute now...
Chie: (It sounds like losing was a pretty big shock to her?)
Mihono: I won't get my own hotel room... I won't get to go to the onsen... This sucks......
Mihono smacks her face

Mihono: ...Alright, time to snap out of it!
Mihono: ...Oh yeah, Chii-nee! This is your first time at Minoseki, isn't it? If you want, I'll give you a tour! Until class starts, at least!

4: Minoseki Academy Sightseeing Tour#

Mihono: I said I'd give you a tour, but I bet it's not all that different from Osafune Girls' Academy.
Chie: Hmm, I'm not so sure. Don't you put a lot more emphasis on sword and scabbard craftsmanship courses here?
Chie: Passing down methods of okatana restoration is important, so all the schools in The Five Traditions have some form of swordsmithing course.
Chie: But when it comes to craftsmanship: in making scabbards, binding for the grip, metal fixtures and other mountings, sword knots...
Chie: I think this is the only school with a curriculum that fragmented? There's lots of students who aren't toji too; that's one of Minoseki's specialties.
Chie: I mean, at Osafune all the craftsmanship is consolidated into one course where they just teach the standard production methods.
Chie: That's why, for toji concerned with the details, they all turn to Minoseki's craftsmen for their scabbards, or grips, or guards they want made. You know, like Aoto-kan in Tokyo?
Mihono: Eh? U-Uh, yeah, I knew that...! Ahaha-!
Chie: Did you now?
Mihono: ......Sorry, I had no clue! Ah!, but basically, that means Osafune is high tech and Minoseki is old tech, right?
Chie: Generally speaking, it's fine to think of it like that. But when it comes down to it, their objectives with okatana are the same, though their approach differs through technology and tradition.
Mihono: I get it now~. Chii-nee, thanks for the lesson-! I prostrate myself before thee, hahaaah-!
???: No way, miss Osafune. Tradition isn't all we've got going for us.
???: It's true we put a lot of emphasis on it, but we're also keeping up with the latest research.
Mihono: Ah, Hattori-senpai, good morning! This is Chii-nee, my childhood friend onee-chan. And this is Hattori-senpai, a sword polisher. He works with computers and stuff.
Hattori: Thanks for the shaky introduction, Asakura. Nice to meet you, I'm Tatsuo Hattori.
Hattori: For example, we have here a training simulator for teams of toji that's been simplified enough for personal use. Want to check it out?
Chie: Ah, I'd like to see that. But is it really okay? I'm from another school and all.
Hattori: Of course; the technology's no secret. It's this way.
Hattori: Though, I called it a simulator, but it's not actually virtual reality or anything. We just reproduce battle conditions using computers.
Mihono: I don't believe it, Hattori-senpai's acting like a real gentleman! You're usually such a weirdo!
Hattori: Okay, Asakura. I set the arena to be Minoseki's dojo. For your opponent, let's go with a suitable group of toji. Should I set the enemy's level at its lowest?
Mihono: Bump it up higher, OK? I wanna show off my leadership skills!
Hattori: Oi, oi, you sure?
Chie: I think you should start from the lowest setting, Mihono-chan...
Mihono: Don't worry! Where there's a will, there's a way, you know!
Mihono: See? With a game like this, it's surprisingly easy to get a hang of!
Hattori: I don't think that was a fluke, but... Well, let's stop here.
Chie: That's right, it's best to quit while you're ahead.
Mihono: Hey, what are you two grinning about! That was pure skill, pure skill!
Hattori: Sure thing, Asakura. Anyway, Setouchi-san, there's one more thing our school is putting research into. The restoration of Akabane swords.
Mihono: Ahh! Akabane swords; those things that have been falling off of aradama, right? The, uh, rusted okatana.
Chie: You're not wrong, but... That's a shaky explanation.
Hattori: Well, being so happy-go-lucky is Asakura's charm point after all.
Hattori: That said, to us sword polishers, the importance of restoring these Akabane swords is comparable to toji putting themselves in danger fighting aradama.
Hattori: With our current level of technology, we still aren't allowed to forge tamahagane. At present, the only way for humanity to grow its arsenal of okatana is to acquire and restore these rusted Akabane swords from aradama.
Chie: That's right. And as of now, the only schools capable of carrying out recovery on a large scale are Ayanokouji and Minoseki... Ah, look at the time! Mihono-chan, aren't you late for class?
Mihono: Ah, you're right! First period is... Ancient Japanese History... Think I should skip?
Chie: Don't even think of it. I'll be waiting in your room, so study hard, okay?

5: Off to Kamakura!#

Yanase Family Butler: To think that our humble Mai ojou-sama would be representing Minoseki Academy...
Mai: Please stop, it's embarrassing...
Yanase Family Butler: Your father is proud of you from the bottom of his heart as well...
Friend A: ...Well, I'm not really worried about Mai, but make sure you don't get off at the wrong station, Kanami.
Friend B: Ah, I could totally see that happening.
Kanami: I-I'll be fine! I've got Mai-chan with me!
Friend B: So quick to rely on Mai...
Friend A: Well, Kanami is a bit of a swordfighting idiot savant, after all...
Kanami: Alright, I'm leaving here, Mihono-chan.
Mihono: Win.
Kanami: Eh?
Mihono: You better win the whole thing. You beat me after all. And also... Have fun out there.
Kanami: Yeah. It's going to be so fun!
Mihono: I'll be heading to Kamakura with everyone going to cheer you on. But just as your subsitute, alright? Ah, so if you leave me a chance, I'm gonna take it!
Kanami: Got it! I'll do my best! And when I get back, let's have another match! Fighting you in the semi-finals... It was really exciting!
Kanami: You were something else... You suddenly started coming at me in ways like no one school I've ever seen! Where'd you learn to fight like that...!
Kanami: If you hadn't started losing focus, I really would have been in trouble.
Mihono: ......Nn!? S-Stop, you're making me blush...! Okay, fine! We'll have a rematch; that's a promise!
Kanami: Yeah! I promise!
Mai: Kanami-chan, it's time to leave. The shinkansen is here.
Kanami: Okay!
Chie: And they're gone. Were those two Minoseki's representatives this year?
Mihono: That's right. Etou Kanami-chan and Yanase Mai-chan. Both of them are way stronger than me, seriously.
Mihono: I've got to get stronger too! And, like I thought, it seems like I've got to work on my concentration...
Chie: Mm, do your best. Now... I'm going to be leaving too. The westbound shinkansen just arrived.
Mihono: Eh!? Chii-nee, you're leaving already?
Chie: You have to prepare to go to Kamakura, don't you? Don't worry, we'll see each other again soon enough.